The art and science of construction is not a recent discovery. For thousands of years, Man has been putting up structures, from simple to the most complex, in order to serve as their homes as well as centers for learning, and even centers for relaxation. The past, however, is not afforded the modern-day technologies that we have right now which means that, the structures of the past are not as sound and as aesthetically pleasing as the ones that we have today. One of the modern-day technologies that the construction industry has right now is what is known as the BIM Modelling. Because of the complexity of this kind of software, however, it is not something that should be implemented without having some sort of a kick-off meeting first.
BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. Although many people think of it as a recent concept, it has actually been around for more than a decade. This software basically sets the difference between a 3D fabrication drawings from 2D ones. Do not be confused, however, as BIM also produces 3D drawings, albeit with much richer detail. It makes use of computable information in order to come up with fabrication drawings that are consistent all throughout. Because of the consistency factor, engineers, architects, and other personnel involved can easily input information and everything would already be adjusted and corrected. This is made possible by the fact that BIM allows for a centralized collection of all the data needed for the construction. What’s more, most BIM software can be readily integrated with other computer software and construction technologies. That being the case, migrating information from one to the next can be done without breaking a sweat.
With a BIM modelling software on hand, all the personnel involved in the construction can easily make decisions concerning cost estimates, performance of the structure, and construction process in general. Because it can be used from the conception up to the occupation part of the whole project, it is able to bridge any information loss throughout the project that is commonly experienced by most construction teams. Now, you have to realize that BIM can either come as a “lonely” BIM or as a “social” BIM. IN a “lonely” BIM, the information encoded in the model is shared only among members of the organization. On the other hand, a “social” BIM is one where the information contained in the model is shared even with clients as well as with other parties. The latter is typically more prefered as it allows all parties to put in their two cents easily. A different form of “social” BIM, known as the intimate “BIM” can also be used by all parties.
Although BIM is in used by a number of companies, it is considered as a slow-to-adapt one. However, most users as well as developers are confident that it would be able to adapt to the changing needs of the market. For example, of late, companies have started using what is known as the Green Building XML, a schema that focuses on developing drawings for green structures and buildings.